You have been preparing for this moment for a long time, you're finally a clinician! But now it's time to face your first client in a clinical setting. This webinar is designed to help you prepare for that exciting (and nerve-wracking) moment. We'll give you tips on everything from the initial phone call to choosing an activity, and we'll provide sample activities for all kinds of clients. With our help, you'll be ready to start your clinical career with confidence!
The First Client in a Clinical Setting webinar is designed to help prepare you for your first client. It's hard to know what to expect, but we take the guesswork out of all of it. We take you through all the steps on what do when you first receive your client's information so that you can create a thorough first treatment session.
Example Curriculum
- Introduction (1:19)
- What to Expect (4:17)
- First Step... Where to Begin (2:28)
- Second Step.... What to do Next (4:33)
- Activities to Establish Rapport with Kids/Developmentally Disabled (3:42)
- Activities to Establish Rapport with Adolescents (5:44)
- Activities to Establish Rapport with Adults (8:43)
- Your Toolbox (6:19)
- Closing Statement (1:22)